Category: Review

Masakazu Murakami – Kumogakure Onsen

At some point on our life, there must be a need for solitude. To wander aimlessly without any destination, to soak whatever life has offered for us and to be completely honest with ourselves. Some people achieve solitude in by taking meditation and some other…

Ivars Gravlejs  – Early Works

Photographer’s early works are always a fascinating sights to be seen; Erik Prasetya’s Mudik, David Alan Harvey’s story about Liggins family and William Eggleston’s before color. Those early works would serve as a reference in to understand the background on why the photographer achieve a…

Illuminance, Sebuah Pengalaman Sinematik

Oleh Sari Asih Dalam sebuah perbincangan, saya dan Kurniadi Widodo sepakat bahwa karya-karya Rinko Kawauchi kerap memunculkan kualitas sinematik. Saat itu, kami tidak sempat mengelaborasi lebih lanjut kesepakatan tersebut, sepertinya kesimpulan tersebut kami terima sebagai hal yang sangat wajar. Namun, ketika Ridzki meminta saya menuliskan…